6:00PM Dinner & Bible Study
This is a potluck dinner that is followed by a fun, informal Bible Study. Bring a dish to share or just come hungry.
This is a potluck dinner that is followed by a fun, informal Bible Study. Bring a dish to share or just come hungry.
The Vestry of the Church of the Resurrection meets every second Monday at 6:00 PM. All meetings of the Vestry are open, but anyone wishing to bring an item before the Vestry must submit agenda items in advance of the meeting.
Please join us for a Potluck Lunch and Reception in honor of Dr. Hildegard Cox and her tenure as Organist and Choirmaster at Church of the Resurrection.
Bring a friend and come join us on the Patio outside the Church to watch a movie on the jumbo screen! We'll watch "Amazing Grace" (rated PG), the story of William Wilberforce and his quest to abolish Great Britain's slave trade. Potluck Dinner at 7:00, movie showtime is 8:00.
Students! Don't forget to bring your backpacks to Church for the 10:30 AM service August 4. It's time for our annual back-to-school tradition of blessing your backpacks for the school year ahead.
Please join us for a Coffee Hour and Reception to welcome Mr. Mark Ring, Resurrection's new Director of Music Ministries, following the 10:30 service.
Parents of kids age 3 through 5th Grade - please join us for the annual meeting to kick off the Sunday School year, following the reception for Mark Ring.
Newcomers to Resurrection are invited to an informal gathering with Vestry and Staff. Hors d'oeuvres and beverages!
We will have a dedication of the Jackie Lane Memorial Garden outside the church after the 10:30 AM service on 10/13/2024.
T.G.I.F is an adult gathering offering a chance to visit with old friends and meet some new ones. We ask you to bring your favorite hors d’oeuvres to share along with whatever you would like to drink.