4:30 PM – Evening Prayer
Pray the Daily Office with us at Resurrection!
Pray the Daily Office with us at Resurrection!
Pray the Daily Office with us at Resurrection!
Confirmation Classes for youth and adults. Youth meet in the Youth Room, Adults in the Conference Room.
For children, youth, and adults. We will meet on Sunday mornings through May 26, then adjourn for the Summer and restart in the Fall. The Adult Class is studying the book, "Walk in Love".
The Vestry of the Church of the Resurrection meets every second Monday at 6:00 PM. All meetings of the Vestry are open, but anyone wishing to bring an item before the Vestry must submit agenda items in advance of the meeting.
Training session for new acolytes, immediately following he 10:30 service.
Bishop Bauerschmidt will make his annual visitation to Church of the Resurrection on Sunday, April 28 at the 10:30 service. That service will also be the occasion for Confirmation of several youth and adult members of our congregation. Please make plans to attend.
T.G.I.F is an adult gathering offering a chance to visit with old friends and meet some new ones. We ask you to bring your favorite hors d'oeuvres to share along with whatever you would like to drink.