Bible Studies & Groups

The people of Resurrection love to be together. Throughout the year, there are many ways to grow and be with others in Bible studies and groups. 

View the Events Calendar for the most current schedule.

Wednesday Night Dinner & Bible Study

6:00pm Dinner & 6:30pm Program

Wednesday nights are big at Resurrection, and our potluck dinner is the perfect way to connect between Sundays. Bring whatever you can (or just bring yourself)  —  it always works out, and we love to have new folks at any time. At 6:30pm, we break for adult Bible study, youth group, and children’s activities.

Women of the Covenant

We meet regularly as a group on Thursdays, and we occasionally do other projects and activities throughout the year.  Our primary gathering is Thursday mornings. We meet for chair yoga at 9:45am and continue with Bible study at 11:00am. Come for one or both!

Men of the Church

Our men gather regularly for fellowship and to work on special projects around the campus. We’d love to new folks at any time!